Arts & Crafts: Food > Apples

Monoprint Apples 
Added: 08-08-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Finger paint, paper, marker

Directions: Finger paint with red finger paint directly on table surface. With finger, draw an apple, add a stem and leaf. Place construction paper face down on paint and rub gently. Peel off carefully. Let dry, cut out, add smile, eyes, nose with black marker. Color stem and leaf.

Sandpaper Apples 
Added: 08-08-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Sand paper, crayons, paper, Iron (Adult Only)

Directions: Used a piece of sand paper, the rough side, and draw an Apple (you could draw anything) with a black crayon. Colored in the apple, bearing down on the crayon, red and put a green leaf on top. Now you take white paper and flip the sandpaper onto it, apple side down. Iron with a warm iron and the print transfers to the white paper. It looks really neat. The children colored in the apple but Mom or teacher does the ironing.

Bag Apple 
Added: 08-08-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper bag, leaves, tape, paint, paper

Directions: Fill up a paper bag (your choice of size) with leaves, tape the top closed. Paint red for an apple, complete with leaves.

Apple Collage 
Added: 08-08-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper Plates, red paper, green paper, glue

Directions: Small paper plate and a piece of red paper children tear the paper into small pieces then glue the pieces all over the plate add green paper stems and hang up.

Paper Plate Apples 
Added: 08-08-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper plates, paint, apple seeds, glue

Directions: Let the children paint the back sides of paper plates red to make ‘apple halves.’ When the paint has dried, attach precut construction paper leaves and stems. Then let the children each glue a few apple seeds in the centers of the white sides of their plates. (You can use any type of seed, you can get in the store.)

Print Apples 
Added: 08-08-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paint, paper, cork

Directions: Set out corks and shallow containers filled with red tempera paint. Give each child an apple tree shape cut out of construction paper. Let the children use the round ends of the corks to print “apples” on their tree shapes. After the paint has dried, use the prints for counting. (An alternate to corks and paint, would be red bingo markers.)

Apple Mural 
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, paint, apples

Directions: Cut out a lg apple shape from a lg roll of paper. Let the children do apple printing on the shape during art time. Use a variety of sizes and shapes and colors – red, green, yellow. Tack apple print to wall and play a variety of games with the mural.
1 – count the apple prints
2 – find the print that is the largest/smallest
3 – find the print that is the darkest/lightest
4 – do any of the shapes look the same/different?

Magic Picture 
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, craft knife, crayons

Directions: Make a stencil for apples and worms and let the student make a rubbing over the stencil with crayons to make the magic picture appear.

Paper Mache Apples 
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Balloons, yarn, newspaper, paper mache mix, red paint, paper

Directions: Blow up small balloons. Tie a green piece of yarn to the knot of the balloon. Tear newspapers into narrow strips. Dip the strips into paper mache mixture, and have the children wrap the balloons with the wet strips. Hang the balloons to dry. Once dry, have the children paint the “apples” with red tempera paint, and add a green construction paper leaf.

Ornamental Apples 
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Large Red Apples, Wire ornament hangers, Ground Cinnamon, Green and red ribbon, Paper towels, Wire coat hangers

1. Cut the apples into slices that are about 3/8″ thick.
2. Blot the slices on both sides with the paper towel to absorb as much juice as possible.
3. Sprinkle both sides with cinnamon.
4. Attach the wire ornament hanger to the top of each slice.
5. Hang the slices from the wire coat hangers in front of a sunny window until they dry (about two or three days).
6. Tie a green or red ribbon bow around the base of each hook and hang them from the tree!

Make Dried Apple Wreaths 
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: cardboard dried apples, dried flowers

Directions: Cut a wreath shape from cardboard. Glue dried apples rings around the wreath overlapping them. Gather some dried flowers & leaves to fill in the wreath. Add a bow at the top if you like

Apple Tree 
Added: 10-10-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, paint

Directions: Cut out Brown trees with Green leaves and have children dip the fingers in red paint and dot apples all over the tree.

Apple Tree Sponge Painting 
Added: 03-01-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: craft paper, sponges, clothes pins, paint

Directions: Draw a large tree on craft paper. Cut a sponge into round pieces and attach a clothespin to the back of each piece. Give each child a clothespin sponge to dip into red tempera paint and dab on the tree to look like apples.

Apple Printing 
Added: 03-01-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Apples, paint, paper

Directions: Cut the apple in half to reveal the star of seeds paint the apple and print.

Finger Paint Apple 
Added: 03-01-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paint, paper

Directions: Use red, green or yellow to finger paint an apple that has been cut out.

Added: 03-01-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, staple

Directions: Red strips of paper about 1 1/2 ins wide. Green strip about 3 ins long and 1 in wide. Brown strip about 2 ins long 1 in wide. Take the red strip of paper and bend the ends together. Should resemble an apple. Bend the green strip and add to the apple. <<<DO NOT FOLD PAPER>>>> Then stick the brown strip in the top. Then stick a stapler inside the apple and staple.

Apple Core 
Added: 03-01-1999
Submitted by: Patches Johnston

Need: paper plate, jagged scissors, red paint, watermelon seeds (or black beans work well too.), glue

Directions: Take a paper plate and cut out both sides with jagged scissors. It will look kind of like an hour glass. Use red tempera paint and paint both ends of the plate. Then get watermelon seeds (dry them) and glue three in a triangle in the center of the paper plate. Wa la, an apple core.

Apple Tree 
Added: 04-06-2000 
Submitted by: Michele Martin

Need: paper bags, apples, paint, child’s hand

Directions: Take a brown paper bag and cut both flat sides out to look like a tree.  Get small apples and cut them in half.  Let child dip the cut half into red, yellow, orange, green paint and press it onto the leaf part of the tree. You can also color the leaf area of the tree green before pressing on the painted apples.  Let dry and place all over the room for their own apple orchard!

Apple Counting Book 
Added: 09-09-2002 
Submitted by: Tracey A. Mason

Need: paper, crayons or markers, apple stickers, stapler

Directions: Draw a basic tree shape & make 11 copies per book.  Depending on the ages & skills of the children, you may color the trees or have them color them.  The book cover will be a colored tree and the words “My Apple Counting Book”.  Page one will have a tree and the words “One apple in my apple tree.”  Have the children place one apple sticker in their apple trees.  Page two will have a tree and the words “Two apples in my apple tree.”  Have the children place two apple stickers in their apple trees, and so on.  3 year olds usually lose interest after 5 pages, so either make the counting book stop at 5, or break the activity in to two parts and work on 6 – 10 another time.  Staple at the left edge.  The kids have a cute counting book to take home!

Apple Lacing 
Added: 09-15-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Need:  Construction paper or fun foam, hole punch, yarn, scissors and masking tape. 

Directions: Make an apple for each child out of paper or fun foam.  Have red, green and yellow available for the children to choice. Punch holes all around the apple. Give each child some yarn and ask them to lace around the apple (put masking tape on each end of the string to make it easier for them to lace the apple). 

Crayon Melt Apple Frames 
Added: 08-26-2003 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: green crayons, grater, apple frames, wax paper, iron

Directions: Grate the green crayon ahead of time. Tear out 1 piece of wax paper approximately 9″ x 9″ per child. Fold wax paper in half. Have child sprinkle green crayon shavings onto 1/2 of the wax paper. Fold wax paper in half. The teacher will iron wax paper to melt crayon. Next have the child glue wax paper to back of apple frame. Glue a back to the wax paper for form the back of the frame. Frames could be made by tracing an apple pattern onto construction paper squares and then cutting the apple out of the middle.

Apple Head Grannies 
Added: 09-23-2003 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: apples, small bottles, fabric

Directions: Peel the apple and leave the stem at the top. Tie a string to the stem. Hang in a dry area like a window for a couple of weeks. The apples will shrink and wrinkle up like little old ladies. You can make a body by putting the heads on small bottles( shampoo, dish soap etc.) Make a dress out of a piece of fabric. You can even use a small paper clip to make glasses. If you don’t want the apples to be that brown then dip them in lemon juice first.

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