Snacks : Animals > Sea & Ocean

Also see: summerbeach & ocean

Ocean Eats 

Added: 11-09-1998 
Submitted by: jiannyiliu@

Use a graham cracker cover with blue icing and put gold fish crackers and gummy sharks on it!

Gone Fishing 
Added: 07-14-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Blue napkins, medicine cups, pretzels, gold fish crackers, peanut butter.

Open up napkin and place fish in the middle. (The napkin is the ocean.) Have peanut butter in the cup. (This is the bait cup.) Use pretzels for fishing rods. Dip in bait (peanut butter) and catch a fish. Eat fish and bait. keep fishing until all the fish are eaten.

Eat An Octopus 
Added: 05-27-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Slit a hot dog from the ends toward the middle, leaving a space in the center that is not slit, then repeat the procedure. You are actually cutting the ends into fourths. When you cook it, it will draw up like an octopus with the slit parts making the 8 legs.
(Be careful with hot dogs are a chocking hazard)

Graham Cracker Aquariums 
Added: 06-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: graham cracker squares (1 per child), peanut butter, celery, cheerios, Goldfish Crackers, waxed paper, knife or spoon to spread the peanut butter, sharp knife (for adult use only) 

Give each child a square of waxed paper to work on. Next, give each child a graham cracker square, about a tablespoon of peanut butter. Have the kids spread the peanut butter all over one side of the cracker.  While they are doing this, have an adult use a sharp knife to cut the celery into about 3 in. lengths. Now, slice the celery long ways into very thin 3 in. pieces. This will be used for seaweed in the aquarium. After the kids have finished spreading the P.B. give each of them about 1/4c. of cheerios. Have them crumble several cheerios and press the crumbles along the bottom of the cracker square so that they stick in the P.B. This will make the sand. Now give each child about 10 goldfish crackers. Have the children stick the goldfish on their sides into the P.B. on the cracker. Add some extra P.B. to the goldfish if needed to make them stick. Now, take a few cheerios and stick them onto the P.B. above the goldfish to make air bubbles. Next give each child several thin sticks of celery to stick onto their aquarium to make seaweed. Eat some ocean!

Added: 06-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Using a new clean glass aquarium for your dish, mix and prepare enough blue- colored jello to fill the bowl at least 3/4 full. When partially set, you can mix in or arrange, some new clean aquarium plastic plants or other safe decor (the jello is intended for eating so be sure anything you mix in is compatible and SAFE for having in food!), and some different shapes of gummy fish …When you are inserting and mixing in these things, it slightly unsettles the jello and looks even more realistic.

Added: 06-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

In a Dixie cup, pour juice (orange, apple, fruit punch, etc.), put in a craft stick. Put in gummy worms hanging over the edge to look like legs.  Place in the freezer. When the pop is taken out of the cup it looks like an octopus on a stick.

Octopus Sandwiches 
Added: 06-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown 

Need: Hot Dogs, Hamburger Buns   

Cut a hot dog down the middle (length wise) to the center.  Then cut each of the “legs” into 4 pieces.  That makes 8 floppy legs coming out of the top half of the hot dog.  When you boil them the legs curl up. Put it on a hamburger bun bottom and that’s it! (Be careful with hot dogs are a chocking hazard)

Ocean Blue Vanilla Milkshakes
Added: 05-06-2001 
Original Author: Unknown 

Need: (for each milkshake), 3/4 c vanilla ice cream, blue food coloring, 1/4 c 2% milk
Materials: Ice cream scoop, tall plastic container for mixing, big spoon, small clear drinking glasses, drinking straws (this would be a good time to use fishy straws)
For each milkshake, place 2 or 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream in you tall plastic container. Let the ice cream sit in your plastic container for about 10 minutes at room temp. Next, have the children put 1 or 2 drops of blue food coloring into the ice cream and then pour in about one quarter cup of milk. Have the kids use a big spoon to gently stir all of the ingredients together. You may need to add a little more ice cream or a bit more milk, depending on the consistency of your milkshake. Pour your milkshake into a small, clear, drinking glass.

Blue Gelatin Mix 
Added: 07-08-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Cut grapes in two lengthwise; cut into fish shape.  Make gelatin according to package.  When it is just starting to set approximately one hour after chilling, fold in grape “fish”.

Octopus Soup 
Added: 07-20-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Hotdogs (fattest kind you can find), Small pasta shells

1.  Slice hotdogs lengthwise to within 1″ from end
2.  Keep slicing the hotdog until you have about 4-8 “legs”
3.  Boil shells according to package directions
4.  About 4 minutes before the pasta is done put the hotdogs in the boiling water
5.  When completely cooked, drain well
6.  Toss shells with butter or margarine and serve with the hotdogs
7.  The hotdogs will curl up and look just like an octopus!
(Be careful with hot dogs are a chocking hazard)

Fish Toasts 
Added: 04-21-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Fish shape cookie cutter, bread, tomato sauce, grated mozzarella cheese

Directions: Take a piece of bread a cut it with a fish shaped cookie cutter. Spread bread with tomato sauce and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Place in a hot oven until cheese melts.

Fish in the Sea 
Added: 5-12-02 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Italian bread or French bread, cream cheese, Goldfish crackers, blue food coloring,

Directions: Slice bread. Mix blue food color and cream cheese. Spread cream cheese on bread. Put goldfish in the blue sea.

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