Science & Sensory: Holidays > Easter

Dying Easter Eggs 
Added: 11-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Here is something different for dying Easter eggs.
You will need, red beets, spinach, cranberries, blackberries, yellow onions, hard boiled eggs

In separate pots, boil each fruit and vegetable in a small amount of water. This will make a natural dye for eggs. Put each egg in the toe of a nylon stocking and dip into the dye. Let it sit for several minutes. The longer the the egg sits in the dye the brighter the color. Remove from stocking and place on a paper towel to dry.

New Twist 
Added: 11-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Here’s a new twist to dyeing eggs a little messy but LOTS O’ FUN!!!

1. gather several bowls, food coloring w/squirt tops or eye droppers Q-tips will work in a pinch too. Also have a large container with 4cups water & 4TBL spoons of clear vinegar mixed together. Have enough eggs for children to dye a couple of eggs each.

2. Give each child their own bowl, have child place plain egg in the vinegar mix container then place the egg in the bowl.

3. Let the child pick their own food color bottle (one at a time of course) then show them how to drop 1-2 drops of that color on the egg then have the child use the eye dropper or Q-tip to dip into the vinegar mix and drip onto the colored egg. The colors will run and mix together making wonderful patterns and colors!

Dyeing Eggs 
Added: 02-25-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Different ways to color eggs. Wet the egg and place pieces of colored. Tissue paper on the egg. When the egg dries the tissue paper falls off and the colors stay behind.

Sound Eggs 
Added: 02-25-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Put different items inside plastic eggs and glue shut. Let children shake eggs and match sounds.

Plant an Egg 
Added: 02-25-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

For Easter, I know a little early but do this same thing in a clean egg shell. Just use about 2/3 of the egg shell ( you know – with no top) and draw on a face. Fill with potting soil and the egg person will grow hair!

Dying Eggs 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

This Easter, why not color your eggs using nature’s very own dyes? It’s possible to come up with a great number of colors using natural ingredients that can easily be found in almost any kitchen. 

Pale Red: Fresh beets or cranberries, frozen raspberries
Orange: Yellow onion skins
Light yellow: Orange or lemon peels, carrot tops, celery seed or ground cumin
Yellow: Ground turmeric
Pale green: Spinach leaves
Green-gold: Yellow Delicious apple peels
Blue: Canned blueberries or red cabbage leaves
Beige to brown: Strong brewed coffee

To dye the perfect Easter eggs the natural way, here’s what to do:
1. Put eggs in a single layer in a pan. Pour water in pan until the eggs are covered.

2. Add about a teaspoon of vinegar.

3. Add the natural dye appropriate to the color you want your eggs to be. (The more eggs you are dying at a time, the more dye you will need to use.)

4. Bring water to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

5. Remove the substance you used to color the eggs. Put eggs in a bowl. If you want your eggs to be a darker shade, cover them with the dye and let them stand overnight in the refrigerator.

Marbleized Eggs 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Materials: Egg dye, 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

Lightly stir the oil into a bowl of egg dye. Immediately dip the egg in to the liquid. Or stand the egg in a small cup and slowly spoon the oil-water mixture over it. When the egg dries, repeat the steps with another color for an interesting color combining effect. 

TIP: For cleanup, wash all dipping containers in ho soapy water and rinse with vinegar to get rid of oil.

Pom Pom & Easter Eggs 
Added: 02-18-2002 
Submitted by: Cat Thisius

Put large colored pom poms and empty plastic Easter eggs in your water table. Children ages 1 yo-5 yo, love hiding the pom poms in the eggs, matching the colored pom poms to the egg color, and putting the eggs in patterns.

Basket Guessing 
Added: 03-31-2003 
Original Author: Unknown

Do reach-and-feel using a covered basket. Place an egg, a chick, a rabbit, a doll’s hat, some Easter grass, etc., in a large Easter basket. Let the children take turns placing their hand inside and describe the objects they are feeling.

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