Arts & Crafts: Holidays > May Day

Make a “May Basket” 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper plates, crayons or paint, paper

Directions: Paste or staple 2 paper plate HALVES together. Decorate both sides with crayons or paint. Attach a strip of colored construction paper to the ends for a handle.

May Pole 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Carpet tube, paint, Christmas tree stand, streamers or ribbon, and duct tape

Directions: Used a cardboard tube that a room size rug is rolled on, painted it white, and put it in a Christmas tree stand! (you know the old red and green one with the screws). She attached 8 satin ribbons about 2″ in width to the top using very wide duct tape. The streamers were the length of the pole. We took it out to the front yard and 8 children at a time skipped and danced around. We played “Vivaldi’s Four Seasons” (Spring) for the dance. All of us had a ball. Always wanted to do this but could never rig up the pole.

Mini May Pole 
Added: 03-06-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper Towel Tube, paint, paper, satin ribbon, tape

Directions: Make maypoles out of Paper Towel Rolls. The children can decorate a paper with all kinds of stamps or drawings or whatever they want. Wrap it around the tube. Or just decorate the tube with paint. Then tape on strips of satin ribbon in various springy colors from the top. The strings should be about 12″ long.  Then roll the tube back and forth in the palm of your hands, causing the ribbons to twirl around.

Mayday Streamers 
Added: 04-01-2001 
By: Christa Koch of Preschool Education .Com

Need: Multi colored tissue paper, two Popsicle sticks per child, markers, and a glue gun (adult only)

Directions: Cut long strips of tissue paper. (About the length of your arm if possible.) Give each child two Popsicle sticks to decorate with markers. When they are finished, have an adult hot glue three strips of colored tissue paper to each stick. (The children can pick the colors.) Now you can go outside and let the children run with a stick in each hand, or play music inside and let them move the streamers to the rhythm of the music.

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