Useful Recipes : Paint

Finger Paint 
Added: 03-12-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 1/4 cup cornstarch, 2 cups water, food coloring

Mix ingredients in saucepan. Boil until mixture thickens. Allow to cool, then pour into jars or other storage containers and color with food coloring.

Condensed Milk Paint 
Added: 01-24-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 1 cup condensed milk, Food coloring

Mix one cup condensed milk with a few drops of food coloring. This makes a very bright, glossy colored paint.

Sparkle Paint 
Added: 01-24-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup salt. 

Mix everything together. I also added silver glitter into the mixture to really give the mixture some pizzazz!  When it dried (we painted snowflakes to hand from the ceiling), it really sparkled!

Finger Paint 
Added: 03-06-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 3 cups water, 1 cup corn starch, food coloring

Boil water, remove from heat. Make a paste with the corn starch and a little cold water, and add this to the hot water, stirring constantly. Boil until thick and clear (about one minute). Add coloring. Use this paint while it is still warm, it feels great!

Another Finger Paint 
Added: 03-06-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons salt, 2 1/2 cups cold water, 2 cups boiling water, Food Coloring

Mix 2 cups flour with 2 teaspoons salt. Add 2 1/2 cups cold water. Stir until smooth.
Gradually add this mixture to 2 cups boiling water. Boil until smooth and thick.
Add food coloring, then stir until smooth.

Yet Another Finger Paint  
Added: 03-06-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 1 cup liquid starch, 1/2 cup soap chips, 6 cups warm water, Dry tempera or food coloring

Dissolve soap chips with enough water and stir until all lumps have disappeared. Add to starch and remaining water. Keep covered in plastic jar. Color may be added as children paint, or in the mix. A few drops of oil of clove prevents bad odors. Be sure to keep mixtures in covered jars in a cool location.

And Another Finger Paint  
Added: 03-06-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 1/2 cup of cornstarch, 3/4 cup cold water, 2 cups hot water, 2 tsp. Listerine as a preservative, 1 Tbs glycerin, screw top jars

In the saucepan, mix cornstarch with 1/4 cup of cold water to make a smooth paste. Add the hot water, stirring to prevent lumps. Cook over low heat until mixture begins to boil. Remove from heat and stir in 1/2 cup cold water and Listerine. Divide and pour into jars. Add food coloring to tint

Puffy Paint
Added: 12-10-2001 
Submitted by: Christina KLambt

Need: 1 part white glue, 1 part shaving cream, electric beater

Things to extant play
Squeeze bottles
Objects to hide
food coloring

Directions: Mix equal parts of the shaving cream then glue in a bowl.  Mix with an electric beater for a minute or two.  Now you can add what you choose- food coloring or glitter.  If using it for art I suggest pouring it into squeeze bottles.  If you use it in the sensory table hide objects in it. (I usually use acorns, plastic toys- anything that will surprise the children when they wash it off.)

The children will love the feel, texture, and the uses.  The surprise after it has dried can be surprising for children too.

Bubble Bath Finger Paints
Added: 01-26-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, food coloring, bubble bath (not the foamy type), water

Directions: Mix water with the flour until you get a paste. Add food coloring and bubble bath until you get the thickness you like. This works well in the bath tub. They can paint themselves or the walls and it washes right off. It may turn the water the color of the food coloring but it wont stain the child.

Snow Paint
Added: 02-02-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Elmers School glue, shaving cream

Directions: Mixed equal parts of white Elmers school glue and shaving cream.  It made a marshmallow like substance that was great fun and a lot of mess. 

Watercolor Paint 
Added: 04-02-2002 
Submitted by: Renee Andrews

Need: paper, watercolor paints, water, craft stick, Styrofoam meat try, shaving cream

Directions: If you have seen the new watercolor paint and the fun things you can do with it, there is a less expensive way to make it. Pop out two of the paint tablets in Crayola Watercolor paint kits and put in a jar with a good sealing lid with some water and let dissolve. Takes about 15 minutes. Next, take a sterilized Styrofoam meat tray and fill it with shaving cream (not gel). Take an eyedropper and drop several drops of one or several different colors over the shaving cream. You can use either the side of a craft stick or texture paint paddles to swirl the colors. Take a sheet of regular typing paper and lay on top of the colored shaving cream. Pat it until the shaving cream adheres to the paper. Lift straight up and turn shaving cream side up. Next take a ruler or other straight edge and scrap the excess shaving cream from the paper. The result will be a beautiful pastel blending of the colors you put on the shaving cream. 

Cornstarch Fingerpaint
Added: 05-05-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 3 Tbsp. sugar, 1/2 C. cornstarch, Medium saucepan, 2 C. cold water, Muffin tin or small cups, Food coloring, Soap flakes or liquid dishwashing detergent

Directions: Mix sugar and cornstarch in a saucepan.  Turn heat on low, add cold water, and stir until mixture is thick.  Remove from heat.  Divide mixture into four or five portions, spooning into muffin tin sections or small cups.  Add a few drops of food coloring and a pinch of soap flakes or a drop of liquid dishwashing detergent to each portion.  Stir and let cool before use.  Store covered.

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