Calendar : 2000 > May

Monthly Events:

National Salad Month
National Safety Month
Correct Posture Month
National Allergy/Asthma month
National Promote your ideas month
National Duckling Month
American Bike Month
National Barbecue Month
Older Americans Month
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
National High Blood Pressure Month
National Egg Month
National Photo Month
Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
Better Sleep Month
National Good Car Care Month
Revise Your Work Schedule Month
Date Your Mate Month
National Hamburger Month
Fungal Infection Awareness Month
National Mental Health Month
National Strawberry Month
Flower Month
Older Americans Month

Weekly Events: (first week is first full week)

National Safe Kids Week – First week 
National Computer Education Week – First week
National Postcard Week – First week 
National be kind to Animals Week – First week
PTA Teacher Appreciation Week – First week
National Music week – First week
National Family Week – First week
Clear Air Week – First week
National Wildflower week – First week
National Nursing Home Week – Second week
Cartoon appreciation Week – First week
National Police week – Second week
National Transportation week – Third week
National Shoe Week – Fourth week
National Tourism Week – First week
National Postcard week – First week
National Raisin Week – First week
National Pet week – First week
National Herb week – First week
National Hospital Week – Second week
National Music Week – Second Week

Daily Events:

1- May Day
1- Mother Goose Day
1- Save Rhino Day
1- Labor Day in Mexico & Canada
1- Law Day
1- Loyalty Day
1- Hawaiian Lei Day
1- Worthy wage Day
2- National Baby’s day
2- Dr. Benjamin Spock’s Birthday Born in 1903.
3- Sun Day
3- Lumpy Rug Day
4- Susan’s Birthday (Sesame Street)
4- National Weather Observers Day
4- Day of Remembrance Holocaust Remembrance Day
4- Space Day
5- Children’s Day in Japan
5- Cinco De Mayo
5- First American in Space
5- National Hoagie Day
6- National Nurse Day
6- School Family Day
6- Beverage Day
6- Willie May’s Birthday
6- National Day of Prayer
6- Space Day
7- National Family Child Care Provider’s Day  
7- International Tuba Day
8- No Sock Day
8- Nation coconut cream pie day
8- Have A Coke Day
8- Harry S. Truman’s Birthday 1884
9- First Newspaper Cartoon (In the USA) in 1754. 
9- National Family Child Care Provider’s appreciation Day
9- Sir John Barbie’s B’day (Peter Pan)
9- Lost Sock Memorial Day
9-National Windmill day
9- National Teacher’s Day
10- Peace Day
10- Clean Up Your Room Day
11- Twilight Zone Day  
11- Eat What You Want Day
12- Kite Day
12- Limerick Day
12- Florence Nightingale’s B’day
12- National Family Child Care Provider’s Day The Friday before Mother’s Day.
13- Tulip Day
14- National Dance Like A Chicken Day
14- Mother’s Day
14- Crazy Day
15- Armed Forces day 
15- National Chocolate Chip Day
15- L.F. Baum’s Birthday Wizard of Oz Stories
15- Over the rainbow Day
15- Dinosaur Bones Discovered
16- First US Nickel Minted In 1866 
16- Wear Purple For Peace Day
16- International Pickle Day
16- Biographers Day
17- First Kentucky Derby  
17- Pack Rat Day
18- Mount St. Helens Erupted In 1980.  
18- International Museum Day
18- Visit Your Relative’s Day
18- Worlds Largest Lego Completed
18- No Dirty Dishes day
18- Victoria Day (Canada)
19- National Bike to work day
19- Ringling Brothers Founded Their Circus
20- Weight and Measure’s Day
20- Flower Day
20 – Armed Forces Day The third Saturday of May.
21- National Waitresses/Waiters Day
21- Red Cross founded in US
22- Buy-A-Musical-Instrument Day
23- Penny Day
23- National Taffy Day
24- First Morse Code Message Sent Sent from Washington DC to Baltimore in 1844. 
24- Sam the Robot (Sesame Street)
25- National Missing Children’s Day
25- National Tap Dance Day
25- National Something day
26- Sally Ride’s Birthday
27- National Grape popsicle day
27- Golden Gate Bridge Opens In 1937. 
27 – Masking Tape Patented In 1930. 
27- Cellophane tape patented
28- National Hamburger day
28- Sierra club Founded
29- Memorial Day
29- John F. Kennedy’s Birthday Born in 1917. 
30- My bucket’s got a hole in it day
30- Lincoln Memorial Dedication
31- National Macaroon Day
31- National save your hearing day

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