Richard Scarry’s Cars and Trucks and Things That Go
By Richard Scarry
Review by: Angela Vargas
Talk about visually packed!! This book will keep your toddler and preschooler looking for hours! Each page is loaded with Scarry characters in all conceivable and inconceivable types of vehicles. There are planes and trains, buses and bikes, in addition to corn cob cars, rhinoceros cars, egg trucks, cheese cars and and pickle cars. Yes, all of these are actual eggs, chunks of cheese, etc.! There is not much text involved, but the little there is is thought provoking and for the children. For example, they ask what Pa Pig might be shopping for, as he steps out of the car in front of the toy store. Each vehicle and most characters are also labeled. One of my favorites is Goldbug. He is a little yellow bug, with great big eyes and a smile, that hides somewhere on nearly every page. Children get such a charge out of finding Goldbug. It is like having a “hidden pictures” book within a book. Everyone in the book is traveling to somewhere, via some kind of vehicle. There are even construction and army vehicles, so there is something for every child in the book.
I recommend this book for ages 2-6, for both a visual and a mind tingling cross country adventure!