Elliot’s Shipwreck
Written and illustrated by: Andrea Beck
Review by: Robin Hatfield
This is the first in a series of Elliot Moose adventures. They are warm, funny and just as cute as can be. Elliot and his friend, Socks the monkey want to go sailing. They scramble around finding household items to make a sailboat and pack a picnic lunch. They get dressed in their sailor clothes and are just setting their boat into the water when their friend Amy rushes over. “Can I have a ride, too?” she asks. Elliot and Socks hesitate, they don’t want to hurt her feelings but their boat is only big enough for two. They agree to trade places later in the day. Soon the sailors set off on their adventure; a morning of fighting pirates, searching for treasure and even an experience with a whale. This made them hungry, so they spread out their lunch. They had hardly started eating when Elliot felt something-his foot was wet and one corner of the boat was under water. What would they do? They tried to stay calm, when they paddled the boat only went in a circle. They needed help and the boat was sinking fast. Socks started climbing up the mast and both were yelling for help. Amy, who wasn’t able to go sailing heard their cries for help and comes to their rescue, just in time. They all make their way to shore. The three friends made plans to go sailing again that afternoon, this time in a boat big enough for three. I love this story-a terrific tale of friendship and fun. These characters are sure to find their way into the hearts of you and your little ones.