Arts & Crafts > Holiday: Easter

Baby Chicks 
Added: 03-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Small Cotton Ball (or Yellow pom pom), Yellow Powdered tempera paint, googly eyes, Orange paper beak, egg carton (or clean and dry egg shell), Glue.

Directions: Take a small cotton ball and dip it in the powdered yellow paint. Then add eyes and beaks however you want. Take the chick and glue it into a piece of an egg carton.

Eggshell Collage 
Added: 03-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Eggshells, Glue, paper, and water color Paint.

Directions: Save the dyed shells from the Easter eggs or just from breakfast. Glue them onto a piece of paper.  When the Glue Dries paint over it with water colors for a neat effect.

Decorated Eggs 
Added: 03-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Legg’s eggs or small blown up balloon, Masking tape, Glue, Brushes, and Colored tissue paper.

Directions: Put tape around seam of Legg’s eggs. Then brush glue (watered down a bit) all over egg. Place different colored tissue paper pieces onto the glue. Dip your finger into some glue and be sure all paper edges are down by rubbing glue over paper.

Mini Easter Baskets 
Added: 03-12-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Margarine container, Hole punch, Pipe cleaners, Glue, Fabric, and ribbon.

Directions: Wash and dry a margarine container. Punch a hole on both sides of container – near the top. Wrap 2 pipe cleaners around each other and insert each end into a hole and twist the ends together for the handle. Glue fabric and ribbon to outside of container. Decorate the handle with ribbon and a bow. Fill the basket with treats!

Tissue Paper Egg 
Added: 03-12-1998
Original Author: Unknown

Need: White poster board, Liquid starch, scissors, sponge brush, and tissue paper.

Directions: Each child gets a large white poster board egg shape. They use liquid starch and sponge brushes to paint the egg. Then use pastel colors of tissue paper to cover the egg shape.

Easter Bonnet 
Added: 04-29-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper plate, cupcake papers, Crepe paper, and Acrylic spray paint.

Directions: Take a paper plate, turn it over and staple cupcake cups to the top in clusters of 3. I then take crepe paper and staple it to the underside of the hat to tie it on. They are so cute. I also spray paint the plate with an acrylic paint (if there’s time). They really look like an old fashioned bonnet. You can also glue (hot glue or tacky glue) silk flowers and greens to give it dimension.

Easter Bonnet 2 
Added: 04-29-1998
Original Author: Christa of Preschool Education

Need: Paper Bowl, Glue, hole punch, Yarn, and Colored tissue paper.

Directions: What you do is take a paper bowl and turned it upside down. Then glue pastel colored tissue paper onto the bowl. When it dries put two hole in the brim, with a hole punch. One on each side. Then put yarn in the holes to make a tie for around there chin.

Shiny Easter Egg 
Added: 11-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: White Tag board, condensed milk, food coloring, paint brush

Directions: Cut out an egg shape from white tag board. In a separate container mix condensed milk with different colors of food coloring. Use a separate paint brush for each color, paint the Easter egg the way they choose. Tilt egg causing the colors to mix. Let the egg dry for at least 48 hours.

Tag Board Eggs 
Added: 11-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: White tag board, corn syrup (light), food coloring, paint brush

Directions: Cut out an egg for each child out of white tag board. Mix together corn syrup (light) and food coloring. Mix together as many different colors as you wish. Have children paint their eggs. Let dry.

Spring Baskets 
Added: 11-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: 2 litter bottle, hole punch, pipe cleaner, Glue, tissue paper, puffy paint

Directions: Cut 2/3 off the top of a two-liter bottle. Discard the top portion of the bottle. Punch holes opposite of each other near the rim of the bottle. Attach a long pipe cleaner from one hole to the other to form a handle. Then glue pastel colored tissue paper pieces on the bottle. When the glue dries use puffy paint to personalize the baskets.

Easter Ornament 
Added: 11-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Wilton candy molds, pink construction paper, blender, warm water, sponge or paper towel, sharp knife (Adult only). use of an oven or warm place.

Directions: You will need Wilton candy molds or a stoneware cookie mold in an Easter egg shape or other design. Tear up a piece of pink construction paper (or any color) into 1″ pieces. Place in a blender with 1 cup of very warm water and let set for 10 minutes. Then process for 2 minutes on low and 1 minute on high until the paper is mushy and fibrous. Squeeze out most of the water and push this pulp into the molds. Press a sponge or paper towel onto the smooth side of the mold until most of the water is gone. Bake at 200 degrees for 1 hour or sit on top of a clothes dryer or other warm place for 2-3 days. Paper should pop out of molds using the tip of a sharp knife to loosen. If it doesn’t come right out, it’s not yet dry. These can be hung on Easter Egg trees or just used as refrigerator magnets or to make necklaces for the children. These can be painted with tempera or acrylics and decorated with  glitter. These also make nice pins for Mother’s Day if you glue a pin backing on the back side. This is a great project when cost is a factor.

Filter Paper Eggs 
Added: 02-25-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Coffee Filters, water, food coloring,

Directions: Precut egg shapes out of coffee filters. Mix water with the basic colors. Let the children use eyedroppers to drip colors on the filter shape. The colors will run together and make beautiful eggs.

Rabbit Ears 
Added: 02-25-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Constructions paper, straws

Directions: Make rabbit ear head bands. Have the children cut ears out of construction paper. Glue then to a Paper head band. You can add straws to the back of the ears so they will stay upright.

Marble Eggs 
Added: 02-25-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Construction paper, box, paint, and a marble (or a plastic egg is fun too)

Directions: Cut an egg shape from construction paper. Get a box and place the egg in the center of the box. Put a few drops of pastel color paint in the corner of the box and place a marble in too. Then roll it.

Another Easter Bonnet 
Added: 02-25-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Styrofoam soup bowl, paper plate, flowers, and ribbon

Directions: Make Easter bonnets from Styrofoam soup bowls stapled to paper plates that have the center cut out of them. Let the children decorate them as desired.  Supply them with cut out flowers and ribbon.

Pretty Easter Egg 
Added: 03-13-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: White Construction paper, water, food coloring, eye droppers

Directions: Precut Egg shapes from white construction paper. Fill cups with water and different colors of food coloring. Let the children use eye droppers to squeeze the colors onto their Easter egg. These come out so colorful!

Foot Shaped Bunnies 
Added: 03-13-1999
Original Author: Unknown

Need: White construction paper

Directions: Trace around each child’s foot on a piece of white construction paper. Let the children cut them out. Turn the foot so the narrow end is the head of the bunny. Decorate with rabbit ears, nose etc…

Fingerprint Easter Eggs 
Added: 03-13-1999
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Picture of an Easter Basket, Paint, and your thumb

Directions: Have a simple picture of an empty eater basket or draw one. Get different color paints in shallow dishes and let the kids dip there thumbs and make Easter eggs in the basket!

Easter Egg Baskets 
Added: 03-13-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Crochet String ( multi pastel colors) found in walmart, Liquid Starch, Balloons, Tray, Yarn, Spray bottle, Bowl, Easter favors, Easter grass, lace

Directions: First you blow up the balloon to medium size.. Just a little bigger than your hand but not too big. Next take the string and wrap it around the balloon till you cover it.. Make sure you go in all directions and there are no big gaps in it. Pour the starch in a spray bottle and then some in a bowl. Roll the balloon in the starch…. I used string to hang it from a basket then let it drip onto a tray. It can get messy so always have something under the balloon. Once it is dry to touch– layer with more starch by spraying it. Continue adding starch until the string is very stiff- stiff enough to hold its own shape. Once it is completely dry- Pop the balloon. Take the balloon out of the balloon shaped egg. I cut a small circle out of the string large enough to put my hand in it and insert Easter grass and goodies. Around the cut edge of the circle. I reinforce the egg shape with lace and it also makes it look nicer!! I just use hot glue to glue it. Then I fill with goodies… Its really easy once you get started… You can have the kids help wrap the string and then spray the starch on everyday… and also POP the balloon! They love to do that!! MAKE SURE YOU TELL THE KIDS THAT THEY ARE VERY DELICATE! because they will crush!

Juice Can Rabbits 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: frozen juice cans (glue white paper around), construction paper ears (white outer & pink inner), nose (pink), eyes (or use googly eyes), and feet (white), cotton balls (for tails), black construction paper strips for whiskers, glue, tissue paper or Easter grass, Easter goodies

Directions: Children assemble rabbits by gluing rabbit parts onto juice can. Put some tissue paper or Easter grass and goodies into cans for children’s Easter treats.

Rabbit Bag 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: White paper bag, tape, ribbon, wiggle eyes, and a pom pom

Directions: Take a paper bag (Preferably white). Tape together about one third of the way up. Cut a slit in the middle of the bag down to where you have it taped (makes ears) . Round the corners of the ears off and poke 2 holes in each ear. The holes should be near the top. These are to put ribbon through to make the “inner ear”. Use 2 large pom poms for the cheeks and one for the nose. Use 2 large wiggle eyes. Use string or ribbon for the whiskers.

Basket of Eggs 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Colored constructions paper, and glue

Directions: Trace around 2 hands on green paper. Cut them out. Cut out a large basket shape from brown paper and four eggs on colored paper – glue the hands (fingers up) as grass behind the eggs and basket on blue paper.

Easter baskets 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Strawberry baskets, lace ribbon, Easter grass

Directions: You take the empty green pint containers that strawberries (or other berries) come in, put pipe cleaners through one of the holes at the top. Lace ribbon through the baskets to decorate. Fill with Easter grass and top with candy etc.

Circle Bunny 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknow

Need: Constructions paper, and Glue

Directions: Trace circles on white or pink paper. Cut them out. Cut ears from the sides of one circle leaving an hour glass shape in the center – use that as a bow tie – Draw a bunny face on the other circle. Glue ears and bow on rabbit face. Color – place on large sheet of Const. paper.

Chicken in a Shell 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Constructions paper, brad paper fastener

Directions: Cut a large oval egg form wall paper or white paper. Draw jagged line across half of egg and cut. If white paper is used, it should be decorated. Make a chick’s head out of yellow or white construction paper. Color beak and eyes black. Paste chick to bottom half of egg shell. Fasten top and bottom shell together with  paper fastener so top half of shell can be moved to reveal chick.

Bunny Baskets 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Empty & Clean Milk Carton, Construction Paper, Glue, Crayons or Markers

Directions: Bottom 1/3 of a milk carton. Staple a 1″ strip across the top for a handle. Cut out bunny shapes; sitting up bunny – ears on top, round head and fat body. Make sure it is the width of the milk carton (a bit like the traditional cat drawing). Decorate the basket with paper chips (small pieces of paper cut or torn) and draw on bunny’s face. You can also paint the basket  with glue and dip it into a container of confetti. Glue on a cotton ball on the opposite side of basket for bunny’s tail.

Barefoot Chick 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Yellow Paint, Construction Paper, Crayons, Glue, Cornmeal

Directions: Paint (giggling allowed!) the bottom of the child’s foot with yellow washable liquid paint. Have him press his foot onto a sheet of construction paper. When the child’s foot is clean and the paint is dry, have him use crayons to add an eye, beak, and legs to his chick. Finally have him spread glue along the bottom of the paper, then sprinkle the glue with cornmeal.

Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: White Paper, Black Paint, Glue, Packing Popcorn, etc.

Directions: Use black paint on the hands and stamp them on a white piece of paper, then decorate. The lambs look cute with packing “popcorn” or white paper  reinforcements make great “wool”. Also, left-over batting or stuffing can be used.

Bunnies in the Grass 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: White Paper, Crayons, Glue, Pom-poms or cotton balls

Directions: Have the children color a white sheet of paper all green (scribbling is just perfect) that have them glue on 10-15 1/2″ pom poms or pieces of cotton balls – wa la you now have “Baby Bunnies Hiding in the Grass!!”

Cottony Lambs 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Black construction Paper, Cotton Balls, White Chalk

Directions: Have the child trace their hands on the black paper. Cut these out, placing the “hands” upside down so that the four fingers are the legs and the thumb is the head. Have the kids glue cotton balls to the “body”. Use chalk or construction paper or whatever to make the eyes.

Paper Plate Rabbits 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper plate large and small, constructions paper

Directions: Use a small white paper plate and a large white paper plate. Glued the face parts, i.e.. nose, whiskers, eyes, nose, ears to the small paper plate. Then we glued on a tail feet to the large paper plate. Then we glued both together.

Easter Placemats 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Old Easter cards, Easter pictures from magazines, your children’s drawings, light weight cardboard or heavy, construction paper, glue, contact paper

Directions: Gather up Easter cards from past years, pictures from magazines or your children’s favorite drawings. Glue onto light cardboard or construction paper in decorative fashion the size of a placemat. Cover this collage with clear contact paper to seal the placemat. Be sure to have your child date and sign it.

Bunny Mask 
Added: 03-21-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper plate, pink construction paper, pink and/or white pipe cleaners, yarn

Directions: Using the paper plate, cut out eyes and nose in the plate. Cut out bunny ears from pink paper and glue to the plate. Use pipe cleaners to make whiskers, attach to plate by poking through and knotting at back, or glue on. Use yarn to tie to either side of plate to tie on your little one’s head.

Colorful Stamping 
Added: 03-23-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Large Jelly beans, Hot glue (adult only) film canister, shallow container, pain and paper

Directions: Your little ones will be amazed and you will be too over these stamps made from real jelly beans.  To make two stamps, cut a large jelly bean in half length wise.  Hot-glue each half to the bottom of a separate film canister so that its flat side can be used for printing.  Make the desired number of stamps or make a pair of jellybean stamps for each different color of beans in your package.  Provide shallow containers of paints that correspond to the colors of the beans. Make a jellybean book out of a large shaped jellybean, cutting each jellybean out of white construction paper and giving one to each child.  Encourage each child to use the stamps to make prints on a cut-out shape.

Giant Easter Eggs 
Added: 03-23-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Balloon, Liquid Starch or Watered Down Glue, Large Paintbrushes, Crochet Thread

Directions: Blow up a balloon and tie a 2 ft. piece of thread to the bottom of it. Cover the entire balloon with starch or watered down glue, using a large paint brush. Wrap crochet thread around the balloon in one direction, leaving small gaps about 1/2 inch wide so the balloon isn’t completely covered. Wrapping doesn’t have to be perfect. Apply another light layer of starch or glue on top of the thread and wrap with another layer of crochet thread in another direction. Repeat one or more times until the balloon is covered with thread. Hang the balloon from the bottom thread to dry for about 24 hours. When fully dry, pop the balloon and gently pull it out of the thread. Hang the giant egg from the ceiling or place it in a giant Easter basket. Variations: Use multicolored thread or yarn. You can flatten the end of the egg by pressing on it gently so it will stand on end. Leave an intentional opening to set figurines and eggs/candy in. They are very pretty this way. Practical tips: Work quickly before the glue/starch dries or add more when necessary. Handle the egg with care after it dries, as it may cave in if you squish it.

Bunny Easter Basket  
Added: 03-13-2002 
Original Author: Jennifer Kudron

Need: Flower pot, paper, wiggly eyes, pink pompom, Easter grass, glue, marker

Directions: You take a flower pot (Be careful the children do not walk around with them. They are breakable.) and glue white and pink ears on the back of the pot for the ears. On the front glue on wiggly eyes and pink pompom for the nose. Draw a mouth with a marker. Fill the pot with Easter grass and give to the parents with a card for Easter.

Jellybean Painting 
Added: 03-31-2003 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: jellybeans, paint, paper, tape, and a box

Directions: Place a piece of paper in a box (roll tape and put under the paper to hold it still in the box.). Add small amounts of paint in the corners. Place a few jellybeans in the box too.  Encourage children to move the box so that the jellybeans will paint the picture.

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