Arts & Crafts: Food > Watermelon

Watermelon Placemat 
Added: 07-14-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Green paper, Red Paper, Black paper, White paper, Scissors, Glue

Make the green paper into a frame, by cutting out the middle.
I took a box and traced it on the green paper, then cut it out.
Glue the green frame on the red paper.
Then take the black and white paper and cut watermelon seed shape.
Glue them all over your place mat.

Note: Cover with contact paper to make them more durable.

Added: 07-14-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: One paper plate, a red crayon, a green crayon, glue, scissors, small black beans

Cut the paper plate in half. Have the children color the rim green, and the rest red.
Then glue the black beans on as seeds. I did this as a listening exercise.
We all colored green together. We all counted out 8 beans each.

Watermelon Art  
Added: 09-24-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Green and red construction paper, Watermelon seeds

Give each child a circle cut out of green construction paper and a slightly smaller circle cut out of red construction paper.
Have the children glue their red circles on top of their green ones. Then let them glue watermelon seeds all over their red circles.

Watermelon Tambourines  
Added: 05-31-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: small paper plates, crayons, beans, seeds, and glue

Have the children color 2 small paper plates to look like watermelon slices. (green rind, red fruit, black seeds), you can glue real seeds on if you like. Put beans inside the plates and staple them together.

Watermelon Slices  
Added: 05-31-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Red tissue Paper, Watermelon Cutouts and glue

Directions: Glue red tissue paper pieces on drawings of watermelon slices.

Seed Collage 
Added: 05-31-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Watermelons seeds, paper and glue

Directions: Wash and Dry watermelon seeds. Use them for for a collage.

My Watermelon 
Added: 05-31-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Collage materials (colored rice, colored sand, watercolors, colored macaroni, tissue paper, construction paper, contact paper, colored tape, etc…), seeds, paper plate, glue

Directions: Usually, I set out lots of materials (see above) along with the seeds and pre-cut paper plates and say “Let’s make a slice of watermelon.”  The children take it from there.

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