Froggy Eats Out
By Jonathan London
Illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz
Review by: Christa J Koch
Owner/ Operator of
Our Friend Froggy has return for yet another hilarious Froggy story by Jonathan London and Frank Remkiewicz. Froggy eats out tells the funny tale of Froggy’s parent trying to take him out for a nice dinner to celebrate their anniversary.
Froggy starts the story by sitting in the kitchen daydreaming of burgers and flies. When Froggy asks his mom why there is no food, she reminds Froggy that they are going out to a fancy restaurant. Froggy is sent to his room and with a few movement and sounds, Zap!, Zip!, Zut! Zut! Zut!, Znap! He was all dressed in his best pants suit.
They ate at Chez Yum, a fancy sit down restaurant with tablecloths as white as snow, candles and flowers on the table. Froggy has only three rules to remember…be neat, be quiet and no feet on the table. But even three rules are too many for this little pre-school frog. Now Froggy was very hungry. He asked a hamburger. Much to Froggy’s disappointment his parent told him he has to order first and there was no hamburgers here. The waiter hands him a menu and as he opens it he spills his water glass. While waiting for dinner to arrive, fidgets and plays with the salt. Then he spends some time playing with the silverware (which flies out of his hand and hits the waiter on the head. Bonk!), pulling petals off the flowers, blowing out the candles and sucking on sugar cubes and ice. Froggy finally can’t take the wait any longer and gets off his chair, hopping and flopping and singing all over the restaurant. He sings what his mother kept reminding him, “be neat, be quiet, and don’t put your feet on the table!”
As dinner arrives, he sees a friend across the room (Frogilina), and while trying to hide under the table to hide his embarrassment, he pulls the entire meal onto the floor. The spaghetti and fly sauce he ordered landed right on her head. Splat! Finally his parents give up and take Froggy to eat at a fast flies place. They leapfrog all the way there. Flop Flop Flop! Froggy got his burgers and flies.
I recommend this book for preschool children age 3-5 years old.
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(Froggy Gets Dressed in Spanish)