Arts & Crafts: Food > Strawberry

Scented Strawberry 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: oaktag or heavy paper, strawberry scented shampoo, paint, Q-tip, red marker or crayon, scissors

Directions: You can create a scented strawberry by making a pattern and having the
children cut it of oaktag or heavier paper.  Then they color it red and make the stem green.  Mix some strawberry scented shampoo with some green or black paint to be the seeds.  Using a Q-tip apply the scented mixture to the strawberry to represent the seeds.  Let dry and then enjoy the strawberry smell.

Large Strawberry 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: red paper, ink pad

Directions: Cut out large red strawberry construction paper shapes and let the children use a black ink pad to apply their fingerprints all over it for the seeds.

Another Scented Strawberry 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Heavy white paper, green paper, Q-tip, red and black paint, strawberry Jello or Kool-aid mix.

Directions: Have the children cut a strawberry shape from heavier white paper and paint it red with black spots for seeds). I have used Qtips to dab the black paint on
before. While the paint is wet sprinkle strawberry Jello or Kool-aid powdered drink mix to give the picture it’s own unique smell. Once the paint is close to drying, cut out a green leafy top for the picture and your strawberry is complete.

Finger Paint Strawberry 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: red finger paint, white paper, scissors

Directions: Have the children finger paint with red on a white piece of paper. Cut into strawberry shape when dry.

Torn paper Strawberry 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Red paper, glue, strawberry pattern

Directions: Have the children glue red torn paper onto a strawberry pattern.

Cute as a Button Strawberry 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Strawberry shape, red paint, black buttons (careful around small children)

Directions: Cut out a shape of as strawberry. Have the children Paint it red. Glue on
black buttons.

Basket Prints 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: strawberry baskets, paint, paper

Directions: Save those small plastic baskets that strawberries come in. They make neat prints. Dip them in paint & press on paper for interesting designs.

Strawberry Pictures 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: strawberry shaped white construction paper, strawberry top shaped green tissue paper, thin red paint, spatter paint boxes, toothbrushes, glue sticks

Directions: Children spatter paint over the strawberry shaped red construction paper. When paint is dry glue on strawberry tops.

Strawberry with Seeds 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, hole punch, glue

Directions: Cut out large strawberries from construction paper. Punch black dots out
with a hole puncher. Have children place the black dots (seeds) onto the strawberry and count the seeds. Can change to an addition activity.

Stuffed Strawberry 
Added: 02-10-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, tissues or newspaper, stapler, crayons or markers

Directions: Give the children pattern of a strawberry top (green paper) and a pattern
for the red berry. They may make black seeds on the red with marker or crayon. Make two of each and then staple or glue together. Before completely closing the berry, stuff it with tissues or newspaper. These berries look yummy enough to eat!!!
Display on your door or bulletin board with the caption “A Berry Sweet Class!”
These would also be very cute hanging from the ceiling.

Strawberry Play Dough 
Added: 04-21-2002 
Original Author: Unknown 

Need: 1 cup flour, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 package un-sweetened strawberry Kool-Aid, 1/4 cup salt, 2 tablespoons cream of tartar, 1 cup water

Directions: Mix flour, salt, cream of tartar and Kool-Aid in a medium saucepan. Add
water and oil. Stir over medium heat 3 to 5 minutes. When mixture forms a ball in pan, remove. Knead until smooth. Store in a covered plastic container.

Strawberry Walnuts 
Added: 06-02-2002 
Submitted by: April Oliver  

Need: walnuts, red paint, white paint, green felt, toothpick, glue and green ribbon.

Directions: Give each child a walnut. The child paints the walnut red and when dry, paints on white dots with a toothpick.  When dry, glue on small piece of green felt at the top shaped like small leaf (adult should cut about 1 inch square piece of felt and put diagonal slits in the edge to make the appearance of 2 leaves).  Then glue on a piece of green ribbon about 3 or 4 inches long.  You will have beautiful Strawberry walnuts.  These make great Christmas ornaments as well.  They are red and green and hang on the tree!  Our tree has about 30 of them as do the trees of both sets of grandparents. 

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