19 Reptile Songs for Preschoolers

Teach your kids about the fascinating world of reptiles with these 19 Reptile Songs for Preschoolers. These engaging and educational tunes are ideal for introducing young learners to the diverse realm of reptiles. Each song has been thoughtfully chosen for its kid-friendly lyrics and melodies, ensuring that your preschoolers will be captivated and entertained. These songs not only provide fun learning experiences but also offer a unique opportunity to teach children about the characteristics and habitats of various reptiles. Perfect for music time or as a lively addition to any classroom activity, these reptile-themed songs are sure to enchant and educate your young students.

Polly – Wog 
Added: 06-02-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

There once was a polly named Wog
Who wanted to change to a frog.
So he dropped off his tail
Grew legs without fail
And croaked all day on a log.

Ten Little Froggies 
Added: 06-02-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

One little froggie goes hop
Along comes another and they just can’t stop so…

Two little froggies go hop, hop
Along comes another and they just can’t stop

Three little froggies go hop, hop, hop
Along comes another and they just can’t stop. soo

Continue in this manner and end as follows
Ten little froggies go hop, hop, hop, hop hop
Drop! time to stop

Hop each time you count the froggies…and when you get to ten hop ten
times and count on fingers…fall gently down to floor

A Salamander 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

I saw a little creature that was slimy, smooth, and wet.
I thought it was the oddest thing that I had ever met.
It was something like a lizard, but it had no scales at all.
It was something like a frog, but it didn’t hop- it crawled.
So I took it to my teacher and she told me right away,
” I see you brought a salamander into class today.”

Have you ever seen a lizard? 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Sung to: “Have you ever seen a lassie”

Have you ever seen a lizard, a lizard, a lizard?
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in PINK?
With PINK eyes, and Pink nose,
And PINK legs and PINK toes.
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in PINK?

Have you ever seen a lizard, a lizard, a lizard?
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in WHITE?
With WHITE eyes, and WHITE nose,
And WHITE legs and WHITE toes.
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in WHITE?

Have you ever seen a lizard, a lizard, a lizard?
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in PURPLE?
With PURPLE eyes, and PURPLE nose,
And PURPLE legs and PURPLE toes.
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in PURPLE?

Have you ever seen a lizard, a lizard, a lizard?
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in BLUE?
With BLUE eyes, and BLUE nose,
And BLUE legs and BLUE toes.
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in BLUE?

Lizard Fingerplay 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

(Use fist of one hand to represent the lizard — have pointer finger move in
and out of fist quickly to be the lizard’s tongue. 5 fingers of the other hand
are the bugs that “disappear” as the lizard’s fast tongue “gets” them.)

5 little bugs on the forest floor
Along came a sticky tongue lizard … SLURP!!!
Now there are 4

4 little bugs on a kapok tree
Along came a sticky tongue lizard … SLURP!!!
Now there are 3

3 little bugs without a single clue…..
2 little bugs soaking up the hot sun….
1 little bug knew that he was done…..
Now there is none.

The Tired Turtle 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Sung to: “I’ve been working on the railroad”

I’ve been crawling through the mud,
All the whole day long.
I’ve been crawling through the mud,
Just listen to my song.
Oh, my house is getting heavy,
My legs are tired and sore.
I am moving very slowly.
I can’t sing any more.

Turtle Finger play 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

There was a little turtle
That lived in a box. (put hands together to make a box)
He swam in a puddle, (make swimming movements)
And he climbed on the rocks.
He snapped at a mosquito, (snap your fingers)
He snapped at a flea, (snap your fingers)
He snapped at a minnow, (snap your fingers)
And he snapped at me. (snap your fingers)
He caught the mosquito, (clap)
He caught the flea, (clap)
He caught the minnow, (clap)
But he didn’t catch me!! (make a proud face)

My Turtle 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

This is my turtle
(make a fist, extend the thumb)
He lives in a shell
(Hide thumb in fist)
He likes his home very well
(nod head up and down)
He pokes his head out
(thumb pops out)
When he wants to eat
(wiggle thumb)
and pulls it back
When he wants to sleep
(Hide thumb in fist)

I’m Bringing Home a Baby Turtle 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Sung to: “I’m bringing home a baby Bumble Bee”

Oh, I’m bringing home a baby turtle
Wouldn’t my mommy really pop her girdle,
Cause I’m bringing home a baby turtle,
Snap, snap, snap. Oh! It bit me!

Down in the Meadow 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool
Swam ten little turtles and a mama turtle too
Swim said the mama turtle Swim like I do
so they swam and they swam all over the pool
Change to different action words Splash dive, float, etc.

On The Back Of A Crocodile 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

She sailed away on a bright and sunny day,
On the back of a crocodile,
You see said she he’s as tame as he can be,
I’ll ride him down the nile,
The croc winked his eye as she waved a fond good-bye
Wearing a happy grin.
At the end of the ride,
The lady was inside,
And the smile was on the crocodile.

Five Little Speckled Frogs 
Added: 08-18-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Five little speckled frogs,
Sat on a speckled log,
Eating the most delicious bugs.
Yum, Yum.
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Then there were four more speckled frogs. Glub, glub!

Squat on the floor like frogs. One by one take it in turns to be the frog
that jumps into the pool. Teddy bears and other toys make great frogs if there
isn’t enough children.

Added: 08-29-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

1 baby turtle alone and new,
Finds a friend, and then there are 2.

2 baby turtles crawl down to the sea.
They find another, and then there are 3.

3 baby turtles crawl along the shore.
They find another, and then there are 4.

4 baby turtles go for a dive.
Up swims another and now there are 5

Two Turtles 
Added: 08-29-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Two old turtles
Going for a walk
“Good morning”,said one
“Shall we have a little talk?”
“Yes,” said the other,
“I do enjoy a chat”
So they walked along together
With a natter, natter, nat !

Actions: Clenched fists with second fingers extended moving slowly forward,
Both hands stop, right hand extended finger wiggles, Left hand extended
finger wiggles, Both hands moved forwards with extended fingers wiggling.

The Little Green Frog 
Added: 09-09-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

“MM, EH” went the little green frog one day.
“MM, EH” went the little green frog.
“MM, EH” went the little green frog one day.
And his eyes went “MM, EH, MM!”
(Close eyes and mouth on “MM” and open eyes and
stick out tongue on “EH”.)

Little Froggy 
Added: 09-09-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Sung to: “I’m a little teapot”

See the little froggy
Swimming in the pool
The water’s great-
It’s nice and cool
when he gets all cleaned up
Out he’ll hop
Squeeky clean
From bottom to top.

See the little froggy
On the lily pad
Trying to catch flies
She’s getting sad.
When she catches one,
She’ll gobble it up
Back in the water
She’ll go kerplop!

The Frog Lives in the Pond 
Added: 09-09-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Sung to: “The Farmer in the Dell”

The frog lives in the pond 
Her tongue is oh, so long. 
It reaches high to catch a fly. 
The frog lives in the pond.

Another Little Green Frog  
Added: 04-29-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

(blink) ( stick out tongue) went the little green frog one day
(blink) ( tongue) went the little green frog
(blink) (tongue) went the little green frog one day
And they all went (blink) (blink) ( tongue)
We all know frogs go LAH ( clap) dee dah dee dah (wave hands to side like hula), lah ( clap) dee dah dee dah ( wave), lah ( clap) dee dah dee dah ( wave)We all know frogs go LAH (clap) DEE DAH DEE DAH (wave)
They don’t go (blink) (blink) (tongue)
(brackets indicate actions)

I’m A Little Turtle  
Added: 06-01-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Sung to: “I’m A Little Teapot”

I’m a little turtle with a shell,
I have four legs, a head, and a tail,
When I get so scared I want to hide,
I pull my head and legs inside!

Five Little Frogs  
Added: 06-01-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Five little frogs
Were down at the pond
Down at the pond at play
Along came a hungry ________,
And chased one frog away.

Four little frogs
Were down at the pond
Down at the pond at play.
Along came a wiggly ________,
And chased one frog away.

Three little frogs
Were down at the pond
Down at the pond at play
Along came a giant ________,
And chased one frog away.

Two little frogs
Were down at the pond
Down at the pond at play
And chased one frog away.

One little frog
Was down at the pond
Down at the pond at play
Along came a flying ________,
And chased one frog away.

Then no little frogs
Were down at the pond
Down at the pond at play
Where do you think the little frogs went
When they all hopped away?

Five Little Froggies 
Added: 07-08-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

5 Little Froggies (Hold 1 hand up and wriggle fingers)
Sitting by the well
1 fell off and        (Bring 1 finger down)
Down she fell
Froggies Dance High   (move fingers high)
Froggies Dance Low    (move fingers low)
4 Little Froggies     (hold 4 fingers up and wriggle them)
Sitting in a row

4 Little Froggies     (hold 4 fingers up and wriggle fingers)
Sitting by the well
1 fell off and                (bring 1 finger down)
Down she fell
Froggies Dance High   (move fingers high)
Froggies Dance Low    (move fingers low)

3 Little Froggies     (hold 3 Fingers up and wriggle fingers)
Sitting by the well
1 fell off and                (bring 1 finger down)
Down she fell
Froggies Dance High   (move fingers high)
Froggies Dance Low    (move fingers low)

2 Little Froggies     (hold 2 fingers up and wriggle fingers)
Sitting by the well
1 fell off and                (bring 1 finger down)
Down she fell
Froggies Dance High   (move fingers high)
Froggies Dance Low    (move fingers low)

1 Little Froggie              (hold 1 finger up and wriggle fingers)
Sitting in all alone
She fell off and                (bring 1 finger down)
Down she fell
Froggies Dance High   (move fingers/fist high)
Froggies Dance Low    (move fingers/fist low)

No Little Froggie     (hold  fist up)
Sitting in a row

Five Little Frogs  
Added: 07-08-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Five little green frogs sitting in the shade
The first one said, ” What shall we do today?”
The second one said, “Let’s catch some flies.”
The third one said, “They’re much too wise.”
The forth one said, “How about a swim?”
The fifth one said, “Let’s join him.”

So the five little frogs jumped into the pool
Swimming & splashing & staying quite cool.

Little Tadpole 
Added: 03-05-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Sung to: “Frere Jacques”

Little tadpole, Little tadpole
Lost his tail, lost his tail.
Now he has two feet
Now he has four feet
Look a frog!  Look a frog!

I’m A Little Froggy 
Added: 03-16-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Sung to: “I’m a Little Teapot”

I’m a little froggy,
Slick and green.
I once was a tadpole,
As you have seen.
Then I grew some strong legs
While swimming about,
And now I’m a frog.
Hurray, let’s shout!

Turtle Action Poem 
Added: 05-19-2002 
Original Author: Unknown
 A turtle’s fond of any pond
 where it can swim. (pretend to swim)
 turtles hide
 away inside
 their shells where it is dim (cover eyes)
 Turtles spy
 A bug or fly
 and snap it up to eat. (clap hands)
 Turtles go
 so very slow
 on pokey turtle feet. (walking place slowly)

Green Frog
Added: 05-19-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Sung to: “She’ll be comin’ round the mountain”

Oh a green frog sat upon a lily pad
Oh a green frog sat upon a lily pad
He went ‘croaky, croaky, croaky,
and he sounded okey-dokey
Oh a green frog sat upon a lily pad

The Frog On The Log
Added: 06-22-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

There once was a green little frog, frog, frog
Who played in the wood on a log, log, log.
A screech owl sitting in a tree, tree, tree
Came after the frog with a screech, screech, screech.
When the frog heard the owl in a flash, flash, flash,
He leaped in the pond with a splash, splash, splash.

The Turtle
Added: 02-23-2003 
Original Author Unknown
The turtle wears a shell on her back,
She walks so very slow.  (Walk hand slowly.)
But put her in the water and watch–
She can really go!  (Swim hand quickly.)

Snapping Turtle
Added: 02-23-2003 
Original Author: Unknown
He snaps in the morning, (Snap with hand.)
He snaps at night.
He snaps at the bugs
As he takes each bite.
He snaps so much,
He’s quite a sight.
Snap!  Snap! Snap!

Little Turtle
Added: 02-23-2003 
Original Author: Unknown
Little turtle in your shell,
Slowly you do go. (Cover right hand with left hand.)
Slowly creeping, slowly crawling,
Slow is nice, you know! (Creep hands along slowly.)

Here is My Turtle
Added: 02-23-2003 
Original Author: Unknown
Here is my turlte,  ( Form fist and extend thumb.)
He lives in a shell.  (Put thumb inside fist.)
He like his home
Very well.  (Nod head)
He pokes his head out    (Pop out thumb.)
When he wants to eat.   (Circle thumb around.)
And pulls it back in
When he wants to sleep.  (Put thumb back inside fist)

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