Useful Recipes : Glob

Edible Glob 
Added: 04-05-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

1 Cup Peanut Butter
1 Cup Honey
2 Cups Powdered Milk

Mix ingredients in bowl. Add more powdered milk if necessary to make a workable glob. Form into shapes, play, and eat!!

Uncooked Easy Glob 
Added: 04-05-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

1 1/2 Cups Flour
3/4 Cup Salt
3/4 Cup Water

Mix all ingredients together. Slowly add more water if needed. Knead until a workable dough is formed.

Molding Soap Glob 
Added: 04-05-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

1 Cup soap flakes (If you can’t find soap flakes, make your own with the vegetable grater and a bar of Ivory)
1/4 Cup Water

Add half the water to the soap flakes. Beat with a rotary eggbeater until the glob has a flaky appearance. Add more water if necessary. Mold as desired or use a paint brush and paint with the glob onto a sheet of construction paper. This glob has a neat texture, but takes a LONG time to dry. 

Puff Glob 
Added: 04-05-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

1 Cup Flour
3/4 to 1 Cup Water
1 Small bag of Cotton Balls

Mix flour and water until you have a thick, smooth paste. Coat the cotton balls with the paste. They will tend to puff up and will remain puffed if you are gentle. Lift each cotton ball from the glob, carefully, allowing excess to drop off. Form balls into shapes on a non-stick cookie sheet. Bake at 325* for about an hour or until lightly browned and hard to the touch. When the glob shapes have cooled, they can be painted. 🙂

Cooked Glob 
Added: 04-05-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Salt
2 Teaspoons Cream of Tarter
1 Cup Water
1 Tablespoon Salad Oil
Powdered Tempera or Food Coloring if colored Glob is wanted.

Mix ingredients together in a pot. Cook on low heat until the glob is lumpy. Turn the glob out onto wax paper. Knead the Glob when cooled. This Glob mixture is excellent. Keeps very well and does not crumble. Recipe can be doubled.

Flour, Salt, Oil Uncooked Glob
Added: 04-05-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

3 Cups of Flour
1 Cup of Salt
3 Tablespoons Salad Oil
1 Cup Water

Mix dry ingredients together. Stir in water and oil. Add more water as necessary to form a pliable, soft glob. This Glob mixture keeps very well.

Coffee and Cornmeal Glob 
Added: 04-05-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

2 Cups used, But dry Coffee Grounds.
1/2 Cup Salt
1 1/2 Cups Cornmeal
Warm Water

Mix dry ingredients together. Add enough warm water to moisten. This Glob has a unique texture and is good to roll, pat, and pound.

Spicy Glob 
Added: 04-05-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

2 Cups Flour 1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1/4 Teaspoon Nutmeg
1/3 Cup Sugar 1/3 Cup Milk
1/2 Teaspoon salt 4 Tablespoons Salad Oil

Mix dry ingredients together. Add milk and oil. Knead until glob sticks and forms a ball. Divide glob into portions on wax paper. Roll and make globs into shapes. This glob can be fried in oil at 375* and eaten! Or if it is to be used for play, substitute water for milk. Nice texture, an unusual appearance and a great aroma!

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