I Love You, Bunny Rabbit
By Sulamith Levey Oppenheim
Published By Boyd Mill Press
Review by: Lori Plach
What child hasn’t had that special “lovey?” Sometimes it is a blanket, other times it is a particular stuffed animal. No matter what it is, it provides hours of security to its owner especially during sleepy or frightful times.
In this book written by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim, the little boy named Micah has his bunny rabbit. Bunny Rabbit has no fur left and has gotten stained with chocolate milk and applesauce. Bunny Rabbit may be chewed but she sure has been loved.
Micah reassures Bunny Rabbit that baths are not so bad when his mother suggests it. No amount of cleaning will make Bunny Rabbit presentable anymore. Mother is unable to mend her ears and fears that they will dissolve if placed in water. There is no success in being able to rid her of her many stains. Micah’s mother thinks it is time to replace the worn out bunny with a new one. The two of them make a trip to the toy store. The stuffed animals are all wonderful, clean and new, but none of them have a real connection to Micah. Micah’s mother begins to understand when she offers to get a milk shake for Micah. He tells her that just as he sometimes gets messy, she loves him just the same.
This is an absolutely beautiful story with a wonderful message. Love, friendship and acceptance are all exhibited in a delightful way. Even if children get messy on occasions, that does not mean that they are any less loved or can be replaced. With its simple, colorful illustrations and the sensitive feelings that Micah shows to his rabbit is exceptional for children ages 2 to 5. It is heartwarming when Micah fears that Bunny Rabbit is too cold and should be taken out of the bath quickly.