Arts & Crafts: Holidays > President’s Day

Paper Plate Penny 
Added: 01-25-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Small paper plate, crayons

Directions: Copy words from penny onto a small paper plate. Give each kid a penny and draw pictures and color to match. Can use picture of Lincoln.

Lincoln Picture  
Added: 01-25-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Picture of Lincoln, paper, paper bag, crayons

Directions: Color picture of Lincoln. Mount on construction paper. Use brown paper bag to cut out a frame. Run a brown crayon over the frame to give an antique look to it.

Added: 01-25-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Pennies, paper, crayons

Directions: Do rubbings of both sides of pennies. Look at other money and see how many different pieces of money Lincoln is on.

Log Cabin Puzzle  
Added: 01-25-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Picture of a log cabin, scissors, glue

Directions: Color picture of log cabin mount on construction paper and cut into a puzzle.

Lincoln or Washington  
Added: 01-03-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Construction paper, glue

Directions: I take a piece of 9×13 white construction paper. Then the students tear red and blue construction paper into small pieces to cover the entire page. Then we add a silhouette of either Lincoln or Washington.

Cherry Tree 
Added: 01-16-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Construction paper, glue, red paint

Directions: Have children glue on trunk and top of tree onto paper. Then make finger prints for the cherries.

Log Cabins 
Added: 01-27-2003 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Poster board, glue, pretzel logs

Directions:  Make log cabins by gluing pretzel logs onto poster board into a shape of a log cabin.

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