Arts & Crafts : Me, Myself, & I

The Long and Short of Me 
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Bulletin board paper, marker

Directions: Cut a three-foot long piece of bulletin board paper for each child. Spread the paper out on the floor. Have the child sit on the edge of the strip and stretch one leg out as far as possible over the length of the paper. Use marker to trace the outline of his leg; then write the words “my leg” above the outline. In the same fashion, make and label an outline of his arm, hand, and foot, lining each part up at the same edge of the paper. Allow the child to choose more body parts to trace as space allows- a finger, thumb, or even a toe. After drawing all the outlines, have the child color them. Using the resulting picture graph of his/her body parts, encourage him to compare their lengths.

About me 
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper, crayons & markers, magazines, laminate, 3 ring binder

Directions: The best project we do is one that is done at home by the family. Each child is given a sheet with “All about _______ ” on it. He or she can decorate it any way they wish using family photos, drawings, magazines etc. When it comes back we laminate these pages and put a ring on it to create a class book. The children look back on this book with their families all year long. We also did a book where the parent got a sheet of paper that said “___________is special because….”. This was a page the parents had to create about their child.

All about Me
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper, paint, crayons, child hand, child’s foot

Directions: The children made hand prints with tempera paint. This caption is below the prints: I have two hands and on my hands I have 10 fingers. Will you count them with me? Then the children did Foot prints. I traced their little feet and the children colored them. Caption: I have 2 little feet and on my feet I have 10 little toes. Will count them with me? Then the children did a Self Portrait Caption: Self Portrait It is really neat to see that the children see no race. Children know that their skin is of different color. I asked several questions and wrote down their answers:
What is your favorite color?
What foods do you like to eat?
What is your favorite thing to do?
What is your favorite toy?
How do you help Mommy and Daddy?
What do you like to do with your mommy or Daddy?
What do you want to be went you grow up?
What is your favorite cartoon?
What is your favorite movie?
What is favorite Food? 
I write all their answers down on a sheet of construction paper and place it in the back of the book. The children can’t answer all the questions but they try. I love to hear their answers.

All About Me “TV” Book 
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Child’s Picture, Picture of a TV screen, paper, crayons

Directions: Take a picture of them at the beginning of the week. Xerox copy a TV screen and put the photo in the middle of the screen. On the back they put favorites foods, colors, activities.

All About Us Books 
Added: 09-09-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Child’s picture, paper, crayons, markers, etc…

Directions: I asked each family to send in a picture of their child. Each child decorated a piece of construction paper in whatever manner they wished….using bingo dabbers/markers/crayons/stamps & stamp pads/ stickers etc. etc. etc. Then we placed a piece of double stick tape to the back of their picture and they taped their picture anywhere they wanted onto their decorated construction paper. I typed and ran off the following questions for each child to answer.

MY NAME IS____________________. (child wrote own name)
I HAVE __________SISTERS AND _________BROTHERS. (Child used number stickers to fill in answer.)
I HAVE A PET _______________________. (Child chose an animal sticker that depicted their pet or left this blank.)
I LIKE THE COLOR ______________. (Child chose a crayon sticker or used markers to color the answer.)
I LIKE TO EAT ___________. (Answer was dictated by child and written by teacher.)
AT HOME I LIKE TO ________. (Answer was dictated by child and written by teacher.)
AT SCHOOL I LIKE TO_______. (Answer was dictated by child and written by teacher.)

I took the two finished pages from each child and bound them together with the rest of the class’s to make an “ALL ABOUT US BOOK!” We pulled a name each day from our LET’S TAKE TURNS BOX and that person got to take the book home for one night to share with his/her family. This was very well received by children and parents alike. As the children “read” the book with their parents all sorts of stories unfolded as their friends and classmates pictures and stories about themselves appeared.

“ME” Flag 
Added: 09-22-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Crayons, magazines, paper

Directions: The children can make “ME Flags” and decorate a pennant shape with pictures of themselves and things that they like, toys, food, people, stories, activities, etc. They can make it into a collage. When finished, have a “ME parade” carrying their flags.

Added: 09-22-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, aluminum foil, marker

Directions: Make a hand mirror out of construction paper and aluminum foil and print “I am special” on it

You Are Special 
Added: 04-13-1999 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Popsicle sticks, paper, crayons

Directions: I gave each child 6 popsicle sticks and told them to make a house on there paper and glue it down flat after, they drew there family inside with pets or what ever was special to them.

We Make “Me Placemats”  
Added: 09-10-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, crayons, markers, paint

Directions: The children make placemats and color, paint, or write about things that make them who they are. Some draw pictures of their families, some draw their house, others just scribble. Then we laminate them and use them at meals.

All About Me Bags 
Added: 06-26-2001 
Submitted by: Pati Mitchell

Need: paper bag, crayons, markers, paint

Directions: Send home a letter explaining to the parents work with their child to decorate the outside of a plain grocery bag with all about me information:
Things that I like to eat
My family
Things that I like to do
Then inside the bag, they can bring one favorite toy. In class the child talks about their bag and brings out their favorite toy or stuffed animal.  This is a great oral language development activity.

Face Print 
Added: 08-19-2002 
Original Author Unknown

Need: paint, mirror, paper, paint brush

Directions: Have mirror, let the child paint their features on the mirror as they look into it. Then take a sheet of white paper and lay it on the print, rubbing your hands across. Lift and there is the face print.

My Body Jigsaw 
Added: 09-09-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Large paper, crayons, scissors

Directions: Have a child lay on large bulletin paper and trace around child. Get the child to decorate the paper body then cut into large pieces creating a life size jigsaw of themselves!

My Body Puzzle 
Added: 09-13-2005 
Submitted By: Jennifer Jones

Need: white bulletin board paper, crayons or markers, scissors

Trace each child’s body on white bulletin board paper. Cut out the life size skeleton and organs such as the heart, brain, and digestive system, so that the children had puzzles of their body. Keep the pieces in a folder labeled with the child’s name.

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