Arts & Crafts: Food > Ice Cream

Ice Cream Cone
Added: 07-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, glue, paint (or ice cream)

Directions: Glue a large triangle (the cone) on a piece of paper and finger-paint the ice-cream scoop. Fun twist: Instead of using paint use REAL ice-cream to paint with!

Ice Cream Hands 
Added: 07-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, glue, child’s hand

Directions: Make an ice cream cone (triple scoop) with a child’s hand print. Have the child trace/cut his/her hand print out on three pieces of paper depending on what flavor of ice cream he/she likes. Then he/she can glue these overlapping and upside down on to a brown ice cream cone-shaped pattern. Make a cone by making a long triangle and rounding the bottom point.

Ice Cream Cones  
Added: 07-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper, Pom Poms, 

Directions: Students make ice cream cones by folding brown paper into cone shape.
Staple or glue edge of cone. Students then sort pompoms by color. Use ice cream scoops to scoop “ice cream” into cone. Count the number of scoops it takes to fill the cone with one flavor of ice cream (Example: sort brown, white, and red pompoms. Scoop only red or “strawberry” ice cream into cone. It takes __ scoops to fill cone).

Glue squeezed into cone before filling it with pompoms will help hold pompoms in place. Student’s cones may be displayed in a decorated cardboard box turned upside down with several small holes (approx. 2″) cut into it. Place cones in holes for ice cream cone holder. Students can get creative by helping with decorating box and coming up with a name for their ice cream shop. The name can be displayed on the box.

Ice Cream Cone Magnets 
Added: 07-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Foam Sheets, Magnets (Adhesive one work best)

Directions: This is a simple craft that the kids love. You cut the cone shape and a circle for the ice cream cone out of the foam sheets and glue the two together. We took the scraps and a hole punch, and made “sprinkles”. Add a magnet to the back and they have a magnet to take home for the frig.

Ice Cream Cone  
Added: 07-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: cone pattern (cone shape) plastic canvas, juice can lid construction paper, white paper, pencil, brown crayon,  scissors, glue

Directions: Trace and cut out white cone. Lay cone on top of plastic canvas and rub with brown crayon to make crisscross pattern. Trace juice lid on construction paper. You may add as many scoops and flavors of ice cream as you want. Cut out scoops of ice cream and glue to cone. Write name on project. This was a summer-time independent project for the school-age children, but preschoolers enjoyed it as a group activity.

Popsicle Painting 
Added: 05-31-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Popsicles and paper

Directions: Buy a package of Popsicles.  Leave them in the freezer right up until the time you will paint with them.  Them give each child one with a big piece of paper and let them paint.  And you don’t have to worry about them eating them as well.

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