Arts & Crafts: Family > Grandparents

Paper Plate Grandmas and Grandpas 
Added: 08-22-2001
Original Author Unknown

Need: Markers, glue, fabric strips, yarn, other collage materials, paper, plates, cotton

Directions: Give children markers, glue, fabric strips, yarn, and any other assortment of odds and ends to make this craft. Use markers to draw face in center of plate. Add scraps to make hair, glasses, bowties etc. Cotton balls make great grandpa hair. And be sure you have a variety of colors of yarn available to use for hair. Not all grandparents are gray any more!:) Write “my grandma” (or grandpa) around the edge of the plate, add a yarn hanger, or a magnet. The children and grandparents love these loving portraits! Choose different patterned scraps, already cut into various shapes. It is amazing how many details the children use and I have yet to see anyone add any wrinkles at all!

Grandparents’ Gift Album 
Added: 08-22-2001 
Original Author: Unknown

You can make a photo album for grandparents day. Include the following poem.

Grandma & Grandpa.
this book is for you,
though it might be quite puzzling
as the pictures are few.

But every few months
if you don’t make a fuss,
we’ll send (give) you more pages
with pictures of us!

… or

But every few months
if you don’t fuss or groan,
I’ll (we’ll) send (give) you more pages
of how I (we) have grown!

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