Arts & Crafts: Friendship

Friendship Bracelet 
Added: 01-26-2000 
Original Author: Christa of Preschool Education

Need: Fruit loop type cereal, string or yarn

Directions: Give each child a piece of string and some fruit loops. Have the children string the fruit loops onto the string to make a bracelet. Then enough the children to trade with a friend. Explain that you make a friendship bracelet to show your friends you care for them etc…

Friendship Wreath 
Added: 01-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paint, large paper, ribbon

Directions: Have the children place their handprints on a large piece of paper in a circular shape to create a friendship wreath. Then have the children decorate it with ribbons. Then display it on the wall. Talk about working together and friendship as you make the wreath.

Friendship Quilt
Added: 01-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Constructions paper, Collage materials

Directions: Give each child a large square piece of construction paper. Put out collage materials, and let them decorate the paper any way they want. Have them place their name on the paper. Hang it in a quilt pattern on your bulletin board or wall and label it, Make new friends and keep the old.

Friendship Collage 
Added: 01-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Poster board, collage materials

Directions: Get a large piece of poster board. Write the words “A Friendship Collage” on it. Have the children come to the table in small groups and place on items from  a collage box onto the poster board. When it is all done hang it up.

Buddy Painting 
Added: 01-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Use of an Easel, paper, tape, paint, paint brushes

Directions: Tape two pieces of easel paper together. Have two children go to the table to work together on a painting. Call them “buddy paintings” because they are painted with our friends. When it is time to send them home simply un tape them and send a half home with each as a reminder of there friendship and sharing.

Friend Collage 
Added: 01-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: magazines, paper, glue

Directions: Make a collage of pictures of things you like to do with your friends.

Friendship Mural 
Added: 01-26-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper, paint, glue

Directions: You can make a mural with children’s handprints becoming flowers. Paint on stems and some grass with their handprints for the flowers. Title it: “Friendships bloom in our classroom.”

Friendship Mural 
Added: 02-10-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Large paper, small paper plate, crayons, markers, etc…

Directions: Take a long piece of bulletin board paper (white works best) and using a small paper plate trace enough circles so that each child and teacher can participate. Give each child a turn to select a circle and draw a picture of themselves.

Friendship Bracelets 
Added: 09-09-2002 
Original Author: TJSirois

Need: Tag board or white construction paper, glue, glitter, markers

Directions: Precut a strip of tag board or white construction paper. If students can cut their own that’s even better. Once the strip is cut students add dots of glue , and then add glitter. Or color with markers. Let dry and wrap around a students wrist and staple.

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