Arts & Crafts: Circus

Clown Face 
Added: 06-27-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Construction paper, scissors, pencil, and glue.

Directions: Make a big white circle for a clown’s face. Add a big triangle for a hat. Then add a round nose and eyes etc. For the hair have children cut out hand prints. Glue them on as hair. Hands will be glued so that the palm is near the face. Do 2 hands on each side by the hat. Then for a clown collar do some more hand prints and again glue so that palm is near face and fingers are “out”. This would be very cute on the door.

Shape Clown 
Added: 06-27-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Construction paper, glue, scissors, scrap paper, scrap supplies.

Directions: Made clown faces on construction paper by using cut out circles and triangles. Let the children add various supplies to it.

Balloon Nose Clown 
Added: 09-22-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper plate, construction paper, round balloon, crayons &/or markers, yarn

Directions: Cut a large triangle from construction paper and decorate as desired. Attach triangle to the top of the paper plate as a hat. Draw a clown face minus the nose. Yarn may be used for hair. Blow up the balloon but not too big. Poke a hole in the center of the clown face and insert the tied end of the balloon. A little tape on the back will make sure it stays in place. They turn out really cute and the kids get a kick out of them.

Caution: Be sure to caution the children about not putting balloons in their mouths. Do not allow the children to blow up their own balloons. There is too much of a choking hazard. If desired, yarn pom poms can be substituted for the balloons.

Big Clowns 
Added: 09-22-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Butcher Paper, markers, paint

Directions: Trace the children’s bodies on a big piece of butcher paper. When you go around their heads add a clown hat. When you go around their necks add a big collar. When you go around their feet make big clown shoes. Then hang them up and let the children paint their own clown shapes.

Clown Collar 
Added: 09-22-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: paper and pipe cleaners

Directions: Decorate paper and accordion fold. Attach to pipe cleaner with tape.

Paper Plate Elephant 
Added: 09-22-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper bag, and gray paper

Directions: Make a paper bag elephant puppet with gray big ears, trunk and add eyes.

Circus Parade 
Added: 09-22-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Animal Crackers, cardboard, and paint

Directions: Glue animal crackers on cardboard and paint. The next day when they are dry make a circus parade.

Paper Plate Elephant 
Added: 09-22-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper plates, constructions paper, BIG wiggly eyes

Directions: Let children paint paper plates gray….then add Const. paper ears…and eyes…the BIG wiggly ones look cute…..then cut out a circle from the center of the plate….this is where the children stick their arms through to make the trunk!!

Circus Trains 
Added: 09-22-1998 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Ziplock bags, permanent markers, animal cookies, constructions paper

Directions: Give each child a ziplock bag and let them draw stripes with permanent markers onto the bags. Let them glue 2 circles for wheels on the bottom. Then they can put animal cookies in their bags. Zip em up and hang them on your door or wall like a train and they can grab their bags as they go home!

Cotton Candy 
Added: 08-07-2000 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Pink cotton balls, paper towel roll, glue

Directions: Glue pink cotton balls onto the top half of a paper towel tube to look  like cotton candy.

Paper Plate Clowns 
Added: 01-28-2002 
Original Author: Unknown

Need: Paper Plates, paper, scissors, glue, circle stickers, and yarn

Directions: Give each of your children a paper plate to use for a clown face. Have the children glue large construction paper triangles to their plates for clown hats. Then give them small construction paper squares, circles and triangles to glue on their plates for facial features. Let the children decorate their clown hats with circle stickers and cotton balls. Let them also glue yarn “hair” on the sides of their plates.

Bleach Bottle Elephant 
Added: 01-22-2007 
Original Author: Unknown
Need: Clean bleach bottle, gray spray paint, collage materials, markers and construction paper.

Directions: Save bleach bottles (no-name plain ones work best, but any will do., and thoroughly clean them out.)  Hold the bottle so the handle is the nose of the elephant and the sides are the face.  Teacher will spray paint it gray.  Children can add decorative triangle hats for the circus elephant, with construction paper, sequins, glitter, etc.  Add eyes, mouth, ears with construction paper and markers.

Circus Train Cars 
Added: 08-01-2011 
Redesigned By: Christa From Preschool Education
Need: A Shoe box for each child, cardboard, old magazines, scissors, collage materials, paper, glue, pain, crayons, markers.

Directions: Have the children decorate the outside of a shoe box with paint, crayon, markers, and collage materials. Add Paper train wheels. Have the children draw circus animals on paper or cut them from old magazines. Glue the animals onto cardboard and cu them out. Then cut a slit strait up at the bottom of the animal and place a small rectangle of cardboard into the slit making a stand for the animal. Place the animals into your train car. 

Together as a class make a train engine from a shoe box. Then line all the cars up behind the engine for a class circus train.

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