Writer’s Guidelines

There are 4 types of writing that Preschool Education .Com is looking for. Ideas, Articles, Book Reviews, or Toy Reviews. If you are interested in writing for Preschool Education . Com please be sure to read the guidelines below.

Submit an Idea: 
If you submit an idea to Preschool Education .Com you will be given full credit. Ideas will be placed on the appropriate page with the words; submitted by: (your name). By submitting an idea to Preschool Education .Com you hereby grant us permission to publish it and edit it for length and content, as necessary, without monetary compensation. By submitting an idea you state that you have read and fully understand these submit an idea terms.
Submit your Idea Here

Submit an Article:

By submitting an article to Preschool Education .Com you hereby grant us permission to publish it and edit it for length and content, as necessary, without monetary compensation. In return a short bio and link to your website or other contact information will be placed at the end of the article. This Information needs to be provided by you at the time of article submission. With your article submission you also grant Preschool Education .Com the right to post the article for no predetermined time period. Article will be placed into an archive section. 

By submitting an article you are representing that you are the author and creator of said article, and to your knowledge it does not violate any copyright. 

Please be sure to proof read your article before you submit it to Preschool Education .Com. Articles of any length will be reviewed. We prefer articles between 500 – 1,000 words.

Note: Preschool Education .Com is not able to paying for articles. We provide compensation with a bio about you and your website if it is included with your article. If you would like to submit an article, but under different terms then stated above, please contact Preschool Education .Com directly email

By submitting an article you state that you have read and fully understand these submit an article terms. Submit your Article Here 

Submit a Book or a Toy Reviews: 
When submitting a review (book or toy) to Preschool Education .Com you will be given credit. Please provide the proper information at the time of submitting the review. By submitting an review to Preschool Education .Com you hereby grant us permission to publish it and edit it for length and content, as necessary, without monetary compensation. By submitting an review you state that you have read and fully understand these submit a Book or a Toy review terms.
Submit your Review here

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