This check list is intended for children 24 – 36 month. At this age the children will develop very quickly and she develop most of these skill as they approach the age of 3. This check list should be done twice during the school year, October and May.
Child’s Name: ___________________________________ Birth Date: _____________________
Personal Curiosity / Autonomy October May 1. Shows curiosity and interest is surroundings 2. Imitates the actions of adults 3. Imitates play of other children 4. Finds own play areas or activity 5. Enjoys looking at books 6. begins to notice differences between safe and unsafe environment
Senses October May 7. Begins to develop senses of touch, smell, taste, and hearing 8. Begins to place large puzzle pieces in appropriate slots
Memory October May 9. Refers to self by name 10. Points to common object on command 11. Associates use with common objects 12. Stacks three rings by size 13. Knows that different activities go on different times of the day 14. Understands that idea of waiting for someone else to go first
Creativity October May 15. Shows simple symbolic play (pretends block is a cup) 16. Acts out a simple story 17. Draws a face (no arms or legs)
Sentence Structure October May 18. Describes what happened in two or three words 19. Verbalizes wants (“want water.”) 20. Repeats parts of songs, rhymes, and fingerplays 21. Gives first and last name when asked 22. Uses short sentences to convey simple ideas
Listening October May 23. Listens to simple stories and songs 24. Follows simple directions 25. Place objects in, on beside, or under 26. Identifies loud and soft
Labeling October May 27. Identifies own gender 28. Identifies boy or girl 29. Identifies self in mirror 30. Names common objects in pictures
Self October May 31. Pints to six body parts when named 32. Puts on and removes coat unassisted 33. Lifts and drinks from cup and replaces on table 34. Spoon feeds without spilling 35. Begins to understand cleanliness 36. Helps put things away
Social Studies October May 37. Identifies self from snapshot 38. Shows pleasure in dealing with people and things 39. Values own property and names personal belongings 40. Follows simple rules in a game run by an adult
Counting October May 41. Understands the concept of “one” 42. Counts two (repeats two digits) 43. Indicates awareness of more than two
Classifying October May 44. Groups things together by size (one category)
Size Differences October May 45. Points to big and little objects
Shapes October May 46. Differentiates circle and square
Concepts October May 47. Knows the names of three animals 48. Can associate the words grass, plant, and tree with correct objects 49. Identifies rain, clouds, and sun 50. Begins to understand hard and soft 51. Begins to understand hot and cold 52. Begins to understand wet and dry 53. Matches two color samples
Gross Motor
Arm-Eye Coordination October May 54. Throws a small object two feet 55. Catches a rolled ball and rolls it forward
Body Coordination Octobe rMay 56. Jumps with two feet 57. Claps with music 58. Walks on tip toe 59. Walks upstairs alone (both feet on each step) 60. Walks downstairs alone (both feet on each step) 61. Hops on one foot
Fine Motor
Finger Strength and Dexterity Octobe rMay 62. Fills and dumps container with sand 63. Turns single pages
Eye-Hand Coordination Octobe rMay 64. Applies glue and pastes collage pieces 65. Paints with a large brush 66. Tears paper 67. Strings five large beads 68. Colors with a large crayon 69. Rolls, pounds, and squeezes clay 70. Draws a horizontal line 71. Builds a six-block tower
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Original source not known / Redone by Christa of Preschool Education .Com Printing permission granted for classroom use only.